Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Shorter the Dress ...

Well here I was surfing Twitter as my usual daily routine, catching up with the time lines and tweets covering everything from the massacres in Syria to Saudi women planning to drive tomorrow to prove their right to do so (which is another blog comin later today). Anyway, one tweet caught my eye which made me then try and trace the conversation to find out what was going on. This is a photo of the tweet courtesy of Gigi Ibrahim from her blog Tahrir&Beyond :

The tweet was by an idiot called Gamal Kharma  , whom I think his surname matches his intentions* :  
* (Kharman in Egyptian slang means craving something, usually sexual or addictive)

So apparently a bunch of idiots from the AUC decided to host an after grad party and decided that veiled grad students are not allowed. If this happened before the revolution I would have seen it normal because - to be honest - you expect nothing less from a bunch of spoiled AUCians who are known between most of the Egyptian people as the creme de la creme of the society and live life to the fullest. But the fact that this incident happened after the revolution made my blood boil.

This is not the Egypt we want. We fought and protested and hundreds lost lives in order to bring democracy and freedom of speech and choice to this country. Not that some discriminating anti-Islamist idiots decide that Muslim veiled girls are "uncool" to be seen amongst those Gods and Godesses of the AUC and depriving them of the right of attending a party to celebrate their own graduation. So what will we next? A note saying "Please don't attend if your dress is longer than knee length and your cleavage doesn't show at least 50% of your breast circumference" ? Is this how sexist our community has become? Our cinema, TV, and video clips are becoming more sensual that you cant watch anything with your younger sister or brother anymore.

What many of you don't know, its that there is actually a law that allows hotels and bars not to allow veiled women into their premises. Including the famous Hard Rock Cafe that once didn't allow me and my veiled wife to enter after 10 PM. And this happens in a "Muslim" country, where in the UK no matter what you are wearing or whatever your religion no one can disallow your entrance. As my veiled friend said "Veiled women have more rights in the UK than in Egypt!"

Another surprise was the actual reaction and response from other Tweeps, defending this insane rule and comparing it to weird scenarios. Like what Rawand Helmi said :

Yeah right, so a short skirted lady walking in a mosque would offend God and the Muslims inside, who is this veiled girl offending? The cool crowd? Or the alcohol that's probably pouring in rivers as we speak? Another Tweet by Marie Lakah :

LOL OMG (and other abreviations) did you just insult yourself love? A veiled girl is just a girl, so if there are things that mean she wont be there due to respecting her choice of dress then probably what is planned to happen there is not respectable to start with.

Finally I leave you with a reply I got on my Facebook after I wrote an angry status  after finding out about this anti-new Egypt event. Its by Afra Naushed the author of Bethlehem Calling :

And by the way, if you want to know the list of those numb-nuts who made this shameful event happen, they are all on Gigi's blog post. 

Please pray with me for a better Egypt, with better people.... Watch this short video by Amal Abou Setta :

1 comment:

صفا حرك said...

Respect ya Ahmad !!