Monday, August 28, 2006

Well here it is... What you all have been waiting for (I guess!).. The first issue of the wacky, the rude, the painful, the honest... Persiflage... But before we go on... I would like to warn everyone reading that this journal is not G-Rated... Which means when I am writing this, I dont look back... So I may end up cursing or saying things that may upset a few people... So again I say, if you cant take the heat, stay away from MY kitchen...
Relations suck dont they? Especially when its not just going right... I had this interesting conversation with my distant relative in Egypt a couple of days ago... Well I'll try to sum it up as much as I can:
Me: Hey man, u sound a bit low...
Him: Yeah, remember that girl I told u about before? The one where we broke up but managed to remain friends?
Me: Hmmm.. yeah....
Him: Well guess what? She told me she found someone (which I dont mind!) but guess who?
Me: Who?
Him: One of my cousins!
Me: WTF???!!!
Him: Yeah... and it even gets more interesting... she sends me this SMS and tells me that the situation has become "Too Awkward" for her and that we cant remain friends, not even online...
Me: Man I think ur the one who should be saying its awkward for YOU!
Him: I know! I mean, I see the guy on a regular basis, we got family gatherings and shitt... Whenever I see him I will remember her... And if they get married, I will feel weird whenever I see her... I think it would have been easier if we just remained friends...
Me: Yeah man, I know what you mean...
Him: The guy is nice and all, but he's just SO immature... he doesnt have any sense of responsibility... He got divorced before AND he never had a steady job...
Me: Well man, birds of a feather as they say.. This only shows you that she didnt deserve you in the first place... It would never had worked out...
Him: Yeah I guess so man...
Me: But you know, there is a funny ironic side to this...
Him: Really? I dont see nothing funny about it...
Me: Well if you ever step up to your cousin after they tie the knot and tell him "Hey man, I screwed around with your wife" you wouldnt be lying!
Him: LoooooooooooooooL
Anyway, relations aside for now... I guess some of you remember my journal about my health and that my body and hormones werent up to par (No I'm not PMSing!) Well anyway, the doctor prescribed Testastrone shots that I should take once a week (or what feminists might call: Jerk shots)... He said that when I start taking these shots I will feel more energetic, I will loose fat faster, my muscles will grow stronger ( For some reason I pictured the Incredible Hulk at that moment) AND I will feel a noticable rise in my sex drive! Yeah thanks doc! For a guy who spends 9 hours a day in an all-male office followed by 3 hours in an all-male gym, I am sure these shots are all that I need to finally get out of the closet and realize my true sexuality!
Anyway in the end, I really got alot of stuff to talk about.. But I am holding back cause I dont wana make this journal too long... So I hope you enjoyed the premeire (did I spell it right?) and I hope to see ya around soon... over and out..!

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