Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ramadan and stuff...
First of all, Ramadan Kareem to all of you people! May Allah accept our fasting and bless us and forgive our sins... I bet most of us had alot of sins this past year, lets make this Ramadan a fresh start and try to improve our relationship with Allah almighty...
Now whats the deal with Ramadan and grocery shopping?? The Papers wrote that families in Saudi Arabia spend 20-25% more in Ramadan! With Ramadan being the month of fasting, and ur meals are cut to 2 instead of three (sahoor and iftar) I cant understand why are people buying more food! Plus the ATMs went berzerk cause of the load and buying anything ANYWHERE using your ATM card or Credit Card was impossible! Oh well...
Remember when I said 2 people left our company? Well our VP held a secret meeting and met with the heads of departments (including myself) to see what we need and try to solve our problems... it turns out he is not such a bad guy as our GM was putting him up to be, seems it was just a scheme so that we feel scared to even approach the VP and feel like he is one of the "untouchables" or somethin... anyway the meeting ended that the 2 employees got raises and I got a small promotion+more authority to run things more smoothly! As for the 2 ladies that left, they didnt come back.. proves more that its harder to please a woman, lool...
I bought a new laptop last week... I have been saving to get me a slim one cause I really hate bulky heavy laptops! So I got this LG laptop with 2.0 MGHZ Dual Core Centrino Processor, 1 GB RAM, 100 GB hard disk, bluetooth, wireless, fingerprint encription (so Mission Impossible like huh? lool), DVD writer, the works! I am really enjoying it but I am getting the evil eye from the Mrs. who has a bulky Dell laptop she got last year.. Sorry hun, but this baby is a keeper! LoL...
Politics wise, Saddam got kicked out of court for the second time in a week! I guess he and the new judge arent clicking much, lool... Najad is a hero in my eyes for still standing against the USA who are trying to stop their nuclear research while letting Israel play with nukes freely... At last someone with balls in this world! I dont even think the US has the balls to go to war with Iran, beleive me it will turn into another Vietnam for them...
Remember Roseanne? At the time her show was airing, every person was always making fun of her and her weight... Jay Leno, Dave Lettermen, the press... Well now it seems Islam has become this year's Roseanne, with the Danish papers, the Pope, Bush, and now some French journalist... What I think from my humble opinion, is that this is just like a hot famous celebrity... people and press trash him/her and wait for every mistake to write about it, mostly to feed people's envy towards this celebrity by seeing him/her fail or fall... its the same case, Islam has become the fastest growing religion in the world and its spreading in every country rapidly.. More and more followers are choosing Islam and Mohammed (peace be upon him) by pure beleife... and this is making the West pretty uncomfortable and uneasy... And it is said in the Quraan that this will NEVER stop, they will never stop till we colapse and follow their own ways and religion... Sorry wont happen...
My car has officially become a serial killer... it has killed/injured its 5th cat since I bought it! No I dont drive over them! I love cats! But they like high cars, and my Prado has a nice fan compartment that seems like a room in the Ritz for them.... I knock on the hood, I honk the horn, but they just keep napping... then I turn on the engine thinking they are gone, and I hear BLONK SPLAT BANG MEOW! Ooops.... Thank God the fan is made out of plastic and not metal, or it would have torn them to shreds! Cat sushi, lool.. yuck... 4 out of the 5 times they came out running (one of them had a broken leg *sniff* ) but one of them died inside the compartment... Seems I have to Actually OPEN the damn hood every time I wana drive away! Or get a dog and tie it next to the car, lool...
I need a haircut... BAD! LooL, see ya guys...


-OT- said...

Cool blog! :)
The cat story is sad really! It's cuz cats like hot surfaces... They crawl into the engines of cars to basically lay on the hot surface of the previously running engine...

Unknown said...

well thats news for me, maybe I should watch Animal Planet more often :-p lol

thanks for stoppin by!

Nohaz said...

1st ya bakhtak enag fe ard el saudia we 2oriab men makkah
2nd rakeb selka :p 3ala el fana zai selk shebak el 7amam

take care and mabrook the new laptop

Unknown said...

LooL wow Noha thats a great idea :-p

thanks, 3u2bal ma teegi 3umra w 7egg :-)