Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Bad Muslims.. Good Muslims...?

I want every Muslim who loves his religion to read this blog and comment if they have any comment. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I'm not a muslim but I can understand your anger. I didn't reat the whole post, it's too long and I have better things to do, but it must be depressing to see so many of these hateful blogs.

Unknown said...

I didnt read it all either, but I just got the general idea of it. I am actually debating him there now, though I know its worthless because when you have your mind set on something you wont change it no matter what

Anonymous said...

That's a big truth. Some blogs are for dialogue, but on many others, people stick to what they say no matter what. Defending their position and nothing else. As if changing your mind was some embarrassment!

Unknown said...

I agree...

mortalmuslim said...

Brother I think yes its good to do dawa but that person is not ready to accecpt so I reackon...May be we should not waste our time and leave him!
I dunt knw pl dunt mind.I completely understand how we all feel about it

..G.. said...

I admire your sense of understanding to open a fair debate with this person, as I muslim, I was litterally devasted reading each and every word of that long essay. It's unbelieveable how he actually spent so much time and effort to just prove a sterotyped and much imposed idea about islam. I have lived with many christians and British people here in Bahrain, and living in my own country pracitcing my beliefs wasen't a problem to me nor other Bahraini's alike, but as you mentioned, there are good and bad muslims and christians alike.. although I choose that there are good and bad "human beings" with their own ideas and concepts in which they percieve such matters. What you and others experienced whilst reading this essay is what I call pure discrimination and hatred. I know the pure teachings of my religion and what I know that it doesn't lead me to such a postion to hate a person or a group or a community.

..G.. said...

P.s. First time visit here, keep up your great work :)

Unknown said...

Thank you G for your post... indeed there are people who have so much hate inside and would do anything to bring down what they hate.. A religion, a person, etc.

Glad you enjoy it here, please do visit again :-)