Thursday, November 23, 2006

Two Years...

Last Saturday was our 2 year anniversary, I got her a bunch of flowers (no, not roses!)... and I wrote this to go with it...

Red roses were always a symbol
Of eternal love, passion, and care
On occasions and even in Valentine's
You can see them everywhere

I stood at the florist wondering
What should I pick to present to you
Should I stick with the tradition...
And get red roses too?

But I picked something different
I picked several colors out of my mind
Colors that reflect my feelings for you
Because our love is one of a kind...

And a picture of the flowers that I took:

My Love is like no Other by =DJVue on deviantART


Nuri said...

How nice! The last poem somebody wrote for me was in 1999? No.. 2001? And flowers? ha ha ha ha ha what flowers??
Sorry, I'm feeling cynical.

Unknown said...

lool its ok.. but I thought you are married.. Doesnt your husband write you stuff or get you flowers?